滑動驗證碼 Slide Authentication

課程名稱 | 上課日期 | 時間 | 授課語言 | 費用(港幣) | 操作 |
駕駛改進課程 | 09:00 - 18:00 09:30 - 18:30 18:30 - 22:30 |
聲明 Declaration:
- 本人明白必須由首節上堂日起計兩個月內完成所有課堂及課末筆試,才能獲發修習證書;準時出席全部課堂、留心聽課、積極參與課堂的小組討論及活動、及在課末筆試取得及格成績,才能獲發課程證書。
I understand that an attendance certificate will be issued if I have completed the Course and the course-end written assessment within 2 months from the date of the first session of the Course; a course certificate will be issued if I have attended all class(es) of the Course on time, paid attention, participated actively in class and group discussions and activities, and passed the course-end written assessment required thereof with satisfactory performance. - 本人明白必須修習及完成課程,才可參加課末筆試。如本人遲到或缺席逾15分鐘將被視作未有完成課程,本人需繳付$45及重新預約課堂。
I understand that I shall attend and complete the Course in order to participate in the course-end written assessment. If late or absent for more than 15 minutes, I will be considered as not having completed the Course and rescheduling fee of $45 will be charged. - 本人明白需在課末筆試中回答共20題多項選擇題, 答對12題(即60%)或以上方為及格。
I understand that I have to answer 20 multiple-choice questions in the course-end written assessment. The passing mark is 12 correct answers (i.e. 60%). - 本人於選擇前已考慮清楚並明白所選之服務及以上資料,簽署作實後,不能作任何更改。倘因特殊情況需作更改而有關要求獲得接納,需繳付$45行政費。
I have considered carefully when selecting the above services, and understand that by signing below, no amendment will be accepted. While amendment is required under special situation and the request is accepted, Lei Nam School of Motoring (LNSM) will charge an administration fee of $45. - 本人願意遵守貴公司所定之一切規則。
I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of LNSM. - 本人明白如需作退款安排,需提供理由及有關證明文件,以書面形式向利南駕駛學校提出申請。倘若申請獲得接納,已出席課堂之金額將以原價計算,所得總額會於已繳付的學費及相關費用中扣除,並需支付$45退學行政費,所剩餘額(如有者)將於批核完成後8星期內發放。
If I request refund, I am required to provide the reason and relevant supporting documents, and apply to LNSM in writing. If the application is accepted, the listed price of attended lessons and Course Withdrawal Fee of $45 will be deducted from the amount of course and related fees paid. The balance (if any) will be refunded to me within 8 weeks upon approval. - 本人同意貴公司在基於個人資料(私隱)條例保障個人資料原則下,將會收集、保存、處理本人的個人資料(包括身份證明文件、駕駛執照、課程的行為表現及考試成績等)作內部登記及記錄之用,而貴公司亦會轉交以上資料至運輸署以登記成績及作其他有關用途。
Based on the Data Protection Principles of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, I agree that my personal information (i.e. including identification document, driving licence, course performance and examination results, etc.) will be collected, retained and processed by LNSM for internal registration and record-keeping purposes. The aforementioned information will also be transferred to Transport Department for the purpose of registering results and other related matters. - 根據個人資料(私隱)條例,若本人不願意收取貴公司之推廣訊息,可致函通知九龍旺角上海街638號旺角海景中心15樓利南駕駛學校收。
According to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, if I do not wish to receive any promotional messages from the company, I can write to notify LNSM at 15/F, Mongkok Harbour Centre, 638 Shanghai Street, Mongkok, Kowloon accordingly. - 本人登記及/或完成以上課程並不表示本人需要參加或合乎資格參加任何考試及/或保證該等考試之合格。該等考試包括(但不限於)香港特別行政區運輸署之駕駛考試。
My enrollment and/or completion of the above courses do not constitute my obligations or fulfilment of the required qualification to take any tests and/or guarantee passing of such tests. For the avoidance of doubt, such tests shall include (but not limited to) driving tests administrated by the Transport Department of HKSAR. - 如有查詢,請致電9137-8817並提供收據編號作跟進。
Please call 9137-8817 and quote the Sales Receipt number for enquiry if in need.